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Dr. Joe Dituri Speaks on 100 Days Below the Sea and the Future of Hyperbarics


We were so excited to hear this recent interview on Science Friday! Dr. Joe Dituri, one of Dr. LoRang’s mentors (and with whom Dr. LoRang has received and continues to receive his hyperbaric certifications and training), speaks about his experience living underwater for 100 days - a world record! Additionally, Dr. Dituri and his colleague speak about their excitement for the future of hyperbaric medicine and they allude to just how many conditions may benefit from hyperbaric treatments.

This mission, titled Project Neptune 100, was to study how the human body handles long-term exposure to pressure.

Check it out!

Dr. LoRang will continue his training with Dr. Dituri the week of Jun 12, 2023 in Miami Florida. He will receive his Level 2 Safety Director Certification and will be attending the IHA USA Annual Conference.


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