Cancer is a condition in which a body's abnormal cells divide out of control and invade other tissues. These cells can also enter into the bloodstream and lymph systems, spreading to other parts of the body.
According to the CDC, in 2020, over 1.6 million new cancer cases were reported, and over 600,000 individuals lost their life to this tragic disease. Cancer is considered a leading cause of death worldwide.
Because this condition is so prevalent within our communities, the research regarding treatment and combatting the devastating effects is also constant. Recently, there has been quite a bit of research regarding the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in conjunction with traditional cancer treatments (radiation and chemotherapy) to obtain optimal treatment doses for patients, stimulate tumor regression, and reduce the side effects of those conventional treatments.
According to the International Hyperbarics Association, here are the demonstrated benefits of utilizing HBOT in tandem with traditional cancer treatment options:
Enhance "Conventional" Cancer Therapies & Treatments With HBOT:
Reduces tumor hypoxia, which translates to better radiation therapy results, improved chemotherapy outcome, and enhanced brain treatment
Decreases tumor drug resistance
Allows for optimal therapy dosage to be attained
Increases post-op fibroblast activation
Reduce Side Effects of "Conventional" Cancer Therapies & Treatments With HBOT:
Reduces radiation therapy side effects
Decreases chemotherapy side effects
Accelerates post-operative healing and prevents infection
Reduces chemo-brain syndrome symptoms
Enhance IV Cancer Treatments With HBOT:
Increases intravenous vitamin C therapy effect
Enhances chemotherapy uptake
Reduce Tumor Aggressiveness With HBOT:
Weakens hypoxic tumors
Targets metastatic tumors
Increase Natural Killer Cell Activity & Function With HBOT:
Increases oxy-radical production
Amplifies apoptosis effect
Regresses tumor volume
Cancer Prevention With HBOT:
Decreases inflammatory markers
Normalizes intracellular oxygen levels
Stimulates cellular detoxification
Reduces risk of pathogenic inflammatory-related tumors
Supports cellular energy processes for optimal DNA repair
Curious to learn more? Here is a direct link to further research.
If you or someone you know is facing this condition and would like further information regarding cancer and HBOT, reach out to our office at 515-421-4002.
Cancer Data and Statistics | CDC. (n.d.).
International Hyperbarics Association. (2019). Cancer & Hyperbarics [Pamphlet]. International Hyperbarics Association.